Kabul, Saigon and Shades of Benghazi

We should have left Afghanistan to its own Islamic self-destructive devices long ago. Islam demands complete devotion to a supremacist theopolitical ideology that specifically denigrates Jesus as the Resurrected Son of God and encodes Jew-hatred in ALL its revered writings. I suspect Beijing Biden’s dementia will not recall on how his coup-Administration has ordered a debacle of a withdrawal rather than an orderly withdrawal that gives a Terminator, “I’ll be back!” warning. At any rate, here’s a Justin Smith analysis on the idiocy of how Biden leaves Afghanistan: https://bit.ly/3maUlsN

SlantRight 2.0: Kabul, Saigon and Shades of Benghazi

SlantRight 2.0: Kabul, Saigon and Shades of Benghazi

  We should have left Afghanistan to its own Islamic self-destructive devices long ago. Islam demands complete devotion to a supremacist the...


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