-QUERCETIN 1,000 mlgr in capsules, (zinc and quercetin must be taken together)
-zinc 50 mg
-vitamin C 1000 mlg in powder
-VITAMINA D3 1,000
The protocol usually takes about 7 days, rest is recommended. This manmade virus does not allow for immunity or herd immunity. One can be re-contaminated time and again.

Quercetin with Zinc is the same as hydroxychloroquine, and the list from one physician alone reports that 20,000 people got healed from COVID using this protocol plus vitamin C. (use quercetin 1,000 mlgr and in capsule with zinc)

The use of a heating pad is of great use to combat COVID, if you got the strain that attacks the lungs, make sure you place the heating pad on your back and lay in bed--rest is necessary for at least 7 days-- if the intestine is the most affected area, lower the heating pad to the back of your waist-- if it had affected your brain and you are having symptoms of dementia, placing the heating pad on top of your head and you may consider contact a physician who can prescribe IVERMECTIN. If you need Ivermectin because the brain has been infected or even if you want to start your treatment with Ivermectin, then you need to TEXT2MD to get a list of names of physicians to prescribe the drug for you for a very small, symbolic fee. To get the medication with discount you need to go to GOOD RX and they will give you 87% discount AFTER YOU GOT your prescription over the phone or the internet. YOU CAN use “My Free Doctor” to get your prescription. THOSE are physicians all over the world that are fighting depopulation and help to save lives. In India, when caught early, people are getting healed by using a sauna. COVID will not survive the INDUCED heat, even the sun helps to fight covid

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Our lord is retuning soon and you will hear "good and faithful worker"

HIGH ALERT: Australia is locking people down in their homes because of allegedly 23 cases of corona virus. Only one person can go out of that house to buy food and other necessities. Australia also is asking contractors to offer a bid to keep those lock down facilities to house people for an extended period of two years. Biden told Iran that not only he will reinstate the contract with them but force America to pay a fine of Billions of dollars for cancelling the contract. That criminal is not our president, and even thought I assume that some of you don't have much time in your hands, we need to do whatever it takes to bring those criminals to justice. To be honest, I think that , as we get closer to the end of the age, I see how the prophecies will be played out: those criminals will have China or another country to invade us... at the one will win because the world will resist the global dictatorship and all will go down in smoke as Jesus will strike the nations, but, in the meantime, we need to fight with all we have. Thank you for passing on the white House petition to investigate the voter fraud.

4 yrs - Youtube

THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE for Christians. It seems most pastors have a corner on teaching the parts of the bible they are good at or called to teach. Darrel Dummas is a pastor that brings the knowledge of God to politics. I can tell you that if I new the difference between EVIL DOERS and sinners, my life and choices would have been completely different, and the challenges I faced would never have happened. I see today, Christians who , like me, had no clue about the great difference in how God treats sinners and evil doers and satanic, I treated them all alike. Enjoy the tape.


My wife Helen and I are here in the Philippines. We both are retired and helping reach others for CHRIST.
Eden, Toril, Davao City.

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