There's a significant narrative change to Madden 23

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Thanks to EA, we've had a chance to check out the ongoing Mut 23 coins closed beta. Below, you'll find Matt Paprocki's thoughts on the current state that the closed beta is in.

The Face of the Franchise

There's a significant narrative change to Madden 23's"career" mode - The story no longer tells the story of a young, rookie player until college (or even earlier). Now the focus is a four-year veteran who has yet to establish his place on a team. He's an unproven journeyman with one-year deals trying to show his worth. It's a clever strategy to let fans choose their team as well - there are no random draft picks, just a list with contacts for each team (and rating letters depending on the team's interest in the front office).

This means that you will be in a better starting spot in terms of stats and player ratings in the mid-70s , overall, when compared with the mid/high 60s before. Leveling, at its base is fairly easy with the use of a few specific categories for positions to increase and an X-Factor to choose from (which includes options as ratings go up into the 90s and into the 80s). Every week there are different opportunities to boost your stats, some interactive, but the majority of them are not. Certain cinematic sequences provide minimal context, hardly enough for one to think of this as a real storyline that goes beyond the ebbs and flow of the career itself.

The camera sits lower on the field, thereby tightening tension to achieve a minimal film-like look. Other than that, the game's presentation does not change from dead ball cutaways to the commentary with madden 23 coins buy. This isn't a particularly engaging experience and the best way to play when you're low on time given the speed with which games finish given the simulations even when they're not playing.

There's one plus - and it's possible to say that this is only the beta - no microtransactions are involved and it is a consistent process of leveling. In the early going, every new week earns the attribute points that are assigned. This is likely to decrease as the game progresses, but the systems in place are positive, even when everything else around "story" material drifts towards the void.

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