The identical thing that could make a difference to players

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"Something we've heard from our communities and also from our team members who tried to get friends or family members into playing for the very first time. there's something truly WoTLK Gold concerning 15 years worth of material and feeling of knowing that you're going fall behind. It's also overwhelming." Hazzikostas said.

WoW is renowned for its depth. However, this is also a problem for new players. The current structure means that new players are stuck in content that is, in some cases, more than a decade older. With Exile's Reach, new players can experience the future of WoW is going to be like in 2020 straight off the start.

"The identical thing that could make a difference to players already part of the World of Warcraft ecosystem is an obstacle when we're trying to draw new players in," Hazzikostas said. "So we've tried to simplify this process and make sure we're doing our best position. If you're playing World of Warcraft for the first time you're experiencing something that is representative of what the game will be and what it has to offer in 2020 as opposed to playing content that's older than 10-12 years, which means it's possible to advance to content that's older than 8 years, 6 years old , and finally 4 year old."

Hazzikostas admitted that Blizzard took too long in trying to "rush" gamers through first zones so they could reach the later phases of WoW and get together with their buddies. This is detrimental to the overall experience and this is something that Blizzard is responding to with Exile's Reach. Hazzikostas estimated that new players can now catch up with their best friends over the course of about a dozen hours instead several hundred hours as in the past.

"So that's what we're up to is taking a huge step back and creating a customized new experience for players that will be much more effective at teaching you about World of Warcraft , what it means to be in World of Warcraft ; what it means to be a part of the Horde and also to be part of the Alliance. How to play your class," he said. "And then guiding you through a much better-paced story that makes sense both in terms time-line and other aspects and is a reflection of modern World of Warcraft at its best . the place where the entire WOW WoTLK Classic Gold is within a few dozen hours instead of the tens of hundreds of hours."

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