We just crossed over 65 million players

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Rod Fergusson: I think it's never been a better time to be an Diablo fan or Diablo player. We have Diablo still out there--it's been on the market for 10 years but even in the most recent season, Season 26. There are over 150 million hours played.

Rod Fergusson: I think it's D2R Items never been a better time to be an Diablo fan or Diablo player. We have Diablo still out there--it's been on the market for 10 years but even in the most recent season, Season 26. There are over 150 million hours played.

We just crossed over 65 million players that played Diablo. The month of September had Diablo 2: Resurrected come back, and over five and a half million players returned to play D2:R. It's a PC game from the 21st century which has been upgraded and available on consoles as well.

Immortal just launched, which is our largest free-toplay mobile experience. Immortal will be able to reach large number of players. This includes the 3 billion gamers who may only play mobile. Also, having the free-to-play mobile app available where they are.

With no barriers to entry, it is a good sign that lots of people are going enjoy Diablo. Of sure, we'll see Diablo 4 coming really soon and it's the cherry of that delicious sundae. We're thrilled to experience that sense of returning to the dark side as Diablo 4 represents.

And Joe as director of Diablo 4it has been a buildup of momentum and now you're the next step in the two-way punch of Diablo returning. What's it been like to know that's your role and is it a lot of pressure; how do you handle that?

Joe Shely: Well, it's been really fun working on the game and being able to share. Every day I think "Okay Don't talk about the Necromancer. There's no time to talk about the Necromancer but." This is why I'm so looking forward to being able to Diablo 2 Resurrected buy items talk about the Necromancer.

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