Are there any concerns regarding McCaffrey

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While both Jack  Madden 23 coins Weddle and Jack Weddle were limited to single defensive positions in the Madden NFL 23. McCaffrey's versatility will not go to waste. He told reporters at the beginning of March Madden NFL 23 teams told them they'd like to put his varied skills to good use.

"It's basically the same stuff I've been doing at Stanford," McCaffrey said at the Madden NFL 23 Combine. "Something I am very proud in is not only being a running back that is able to play the ball. But if I go to the slot, I become a receiver. If I make a move towards X or Z I'm now an actual receiver, not a running back. I am determined to pride myself on running routes, catching, and being competent to play a match wherever I am on the field."

And McCaffrey is planning to be one of the players with the highest usage for the Madden NFL 23.

"I absolutely buy mut 23 coins believe that I can be a back-up every time and an expert, and do simultaneously."

Are there any concerns regarding McCaffrey?

As opposed to Fournette like Fournette Cook, McCaffrey isn't built like a typical workhorse back. At 5'11. 202lbs McCaffrey isn't the smallest back, but has slightly larger frame than many.

The 2016 numbers of his team were harmed in a small way by an unknown incident that would cost him a game and a decision to skip the final bowl game of his collegiate career. McCaffrey's decision to skip playing on the Sun Bowl raised eyebrows, however Fournette made the same kind of choice, and it's unlikely to be the case that Madden NFL 23 teams took into account the situation in any significant way.

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