seo services in saudi arabia

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The search engine takes 3 basic steps to show you the best results that suit what you are looking for, as it works to provide the best result for the user.

How does the search engine work?
When you search through Google on a      seo company in egypt              specific topic or product, you use certain words to search for this thing and write it in the search box.


The search engine takes 3 basic steps to show you the best results that suit what you are looking for, as it works to provide the best result for the user.


Search engine steps
The search engine      arabic seo services         works through the following steps:


1. Crawling
Google Bots (POTS) crawl websites looking for content that matches the words you searched for starting from the page link (URL).

Then they read the headlines      شركة سيو        of the pages, paragraphs, descriptions of images and videos, and follow the links of the pages and the content inside them to get appropriate content.

After completion, the second phase of the search process begins.

2. Indexing
By indexing, you Google robots organize and index the results of content and related pages that they find in the search engines index.

3. Ranking
After Google robots crawl the web in search of the most appropriate content, index it and organize it in the search engine, it will arrange it according to the best, and according to the criteria set that help your site appear in the first results.


The importance of SEO for websites
SEO for websites, whether      seo services in saudi arabia         for companies or individuals, is of great importance, and the importance of search engine optimization is represented in the following points:

It is a major source of free visits to the website and thus increased profits.
The appearance of your site in the first results of search engines is a competitive advantage for your company.

Build a database of serious clients interested in your field due to the large number of visits that you will receive.
Topping your site in search results gives a good impression and confidence to your customers in your brand.
It enhances the user experience of the site and increases the customer's stay time on the site.
Reducing the marketing costs of the website, because it is considered the source of natural and free visits.

Increase sales and conversions through your website.

What is SEO (meaning of the word SEO)
SEO is: the process of      تحسين محركات البحث SEO سلة            improving and configuring your website and qualifying it to appear in the first results of search engines, the most famous of which is Google.

Where the site is configured in a manner commensurate with the requirements of search engines and users, and it is considered a free way to get visits, because search engines are the source of 70% of the visits that enter the site.

Your company        arabic seo company            may gain new customers by showing your site to them in the first results of search engines, which indicates that your site is more suitable for appearing in the first results and that you have made changes to improve its ranking in the search engine.

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