According to the report, Dark and Darker

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The address addition Nexon was breathing on a adventuresome declared "P3" which was complete affiliated to Dark and Darker Dark And Darker Gold Coins. P3 was age-old arise in August 2023 as a first-person fantasy adventitious adventuresome beyond a accretion of adventurers goes anteroom diving for loot. However, that adventuresome was eventually canceled in favor of P7, a added able assimilation ballista with exhausted firearms. The altercate to P7 happened in September 2021, with Ironmace complete in October 2021.

According to the report, Dark and Darker is about P3 and Ironmace are aloft Nexon admiral who were accursed for breach blank and breaking associate agreements. Nexon is additionally reviewing abeyant acclimatized activity abut Ironmace, accusing the Korean developer of break-in assets for use in Dark and Darker.

Ironmace CEO Terence Seung-ha accustom a ceremony on Acrimony abstinent the allegations, writing, "Our blank was complete from scratch. Best of our assets are purchased from the Unreal marketplace. All added assets and all adventuresome architectonics docs were created in-house. This has already been audited by an alfresco agency. As far as we apperceive you cannot birthmark a adventuresome genre. Applicative the lawsuit, we acquire it a absent claimed accumulated claimed [by] one of our accretion members. No accusation has been filed abut Ironmace."

Seung-ha additionally said he believed the rumors of a accusation "are able due to a affronted 3rd party." Not anybody who formed on P3 at Nexon absitively to leave to assay Ironmace. Dark and Darker's brusque success has able affronted added than a few accoutrement at Nexon.

Dark And Darker is a loot-based, FPS PvPvE adventuresome that is based about accomplishing a anteroom run, killing enemies (both NPCs and added players buy Dark And Darker Gold), and afresh extracting with your boodle afore you die.

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