Although the game is certainly

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players can look forward to an even more exciting experience this time around.

Although the game is certainly still rough around the edges, it has captured the attention of an incredibly wide range of players. Combining RPG, PvPvE, and even battle royale elements in a self-proclaimed unforgiving dungeon crawler Dark And Darker Gold , Dark and Darker is the most interesting Tarkov-esque title yet, and its potential only increases with each demo. With Dark and Darker's playtest schedule for 2023 confirmed, players can look forward to an even more exciting experience this time around.

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When The Next Playtest Is For Dark And Darker

A character from the Dark and Darker game sits at a table, a sword and shield on his back, flagons of ale at his sides.

Dark and Darker's Playtest 5 is scheduled for April 14-19. There's no way of knowing what changes or improvements will be added until the servers go live, but from what's been revealed so far, it sounds promising. According to IGN, an Ironmace representative stated that the "recent playtest ... gave [Ironmace] a lot of clues on how to proceed," and that it "[hopes] to test some pretty substantial additions for this playtest." The previous test introduced things like VoIP and a solo-queue mode, and so this could hint at another queue mode, more changes to social features, or hopefully new characters to compete with Dark and Darker's best classes.

What Dark And Darker's Release Date And Price Will Be

Art of a large white tree growing from inside a castle, which is perched atop a stormy hill in Dark and Darker.

Although Dark and Darker's next playtest starts soon on April 14, the game's release date might still be several months away. It was originally slated for a Q4 2023 release according to the game's Steam profile, but this statement has since been removed, suggesting that Ironmace may need more time to polish its work Dark And Darker Gold Coins . However, the indie developer recently confirmed the price of Dark and Darker to be $30-40, via a post from the IronmaceGames account on Reddit. With logistics such as purchase price already being determined, it's feasible that only a few playtests remain.

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