Climate Change Consulting: Helping Organizations Transition to a Greener Future

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Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet.

The scientific evidence is overwhelming - the average temperature of the Earth has risen about 1 degree Celsius over the past 150 years, and the rate of increase over the past few decades is greater than anything modern civilization has experienced. Most of the warming over the past century can be attributed to human activity that increases heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere like carbon dioxide and methane. These gases act like the glass in a greenhouse, trapping heat and causing average temperatures to rise.

Some of the key effects we are already seeing due to climate change include rising sea levels, stronger storms and hurricanes, worsening wildfires, melting glaciers and sea ice, shifts in flower/plant blooming, and animal and bird migrations. But climate change does not affect all regions equally - some areas will warm more rapidly than others, which will have dramatic impacts on agricultural production, water resources, infrastructure, and local economies. Understanding the science behind how our climate system works and how human activities are disrupting it is crucial for tackling this challenge.

Planning for a Low-Carbon Transition

To avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change, global greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut in half by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050 according to the IPCC. This will require an unprecedented transformation across all sectors of our economy and society. Climate Change Consulting firms help organizations understand what changes need to happen, when they need to happen by, and how to develop a credible plan and strategy for transitioning to a low-carbon future.

A core focus is on analyzing an organization's carbon footprint across their direct operations as well as indirect emissions from things like procurement, transportation, and waste management. Greenhouse gas inventories are conducted to establish an emissions baseline. From there, strategies are developed around improving energy efficiency, switching to renewable energy, electrifying equipment and vehicles, reducing waste, implementing sustainable procurement practices, and developing offsets or carbon removal projects. Transition roadmaps are created that factor in technology readiness levels, policy and regulatory landscapes, financial considerations, stakeholder dynamics, and workforce needs.

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