The New World faction should you select?

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You're trying to decide what you think of which New World factions is for you?

In the New World, you will need to join one of three Factions which are the Marauders or the Syndicate, or the Covenant. Each faction has its advantages and distinctive items, therefore the one you pick is dependent on several factors. On the New World Factions guide page you'll learn about the advantages of being in an alliance, how to join a group, how to change your faction, and many more.

 It's a question you'll be confronted with early as you complete a particular mission, and the answer could have a major impact on many parts within the game. It's essential to evaluate your options prior to signing to sign your name on the line.

Aeternum is a vast area and there's plenty to do, so the earlier you decide which faction you're planning to join, the quicker you'll be able to access some of the most exciting content, including PvP. It can be easy to get distracted exploring the world, or looking for hemp or petalcaps, however if you want to spend some time pondering which side to choose, here's what you need to know about New World factions.

There are three factions you can choose from:

The Marauders are A militaristic force which wants to establish a free country in the Aeternum.

Covenant: An order of fanatics with the aim of cleanse the land of heretics.

Syndicate: A secret society that is devoted to intellect as well as the quest for hidden information.

While the various factions do not have any distinct advantages in terms of game play, there are a couple of things you should consider before making your choice.

If you're planning on playing with your buddies, you must be in sync to ensure that you're all part of an identical faction. Even though you're able still to meet in the hopes of PvE content if you're in various factions, you're to be pitted against one another when it comes to PvP attacks and sieges. Companies (guilds) have also been linked by factions. So if got your eye on one, you'll need be part of that same group. Similar to many MMOs gamers from different factions could also attack players outside of safe zones.

Another thing to consider is clothing for the faction. If you enjoy the aesthetics of a particular faction you can purchase its armor set by doing quests for your group member to earn currency. So if you want to rock the Plague Doctor style, make sure to go with Syndicate.

Factors play an equally important role when holding Aeternum's territory. The more of it a faction controls it, the stronger its members get. They can gain advantages from activities such as crafting , or getting more loot drops from enemies.

Dominant factions will vary on different servers, and it's worth looking at the map to see the factions that control specific regions. It's good to support the underdog, however when it is PvP, you might be overwhelmed in the case of joining the smallest faction.

However, you are able to switch factions, however, you'll need 120 days before you are able to switch.

New World factions differences

While the distinctions between the New World factions tend to be very small, the first decision should be carefully considered, as you'll need to wait for 120 days before you are allowed to switch to another.

Players looking to align with the mage-like faction will feel right at home with the Syndicate while those who wish to be a part of the fight for glory would be more suited to the Marauders, and The Covenant faction is perfect for players who want to embark on a Support or Defensive build.

Which faction to pick in New World

All in all it's important to know that the group you pick will be determined by the side you'd like to associate you.

If your friends are associated with Syndicate For instance you should join the group to make sure you are able to participate in all game's content in Aeternum.

It's impossible to participate in PVP within your own group However, if you're looking to spar with your pals, it might be beneficial to have them take on a rival team.


In order to pick an organization, you have to complete a series of beginner quests. After speaking with each of the three faction leaders in your town after completing their introduction quests, you can then select one faction to join.

If you're playing with a team of players, or have any players who have already decided on a group it is highly recommended that you select the same faction unless you plan to go up against them Of course. Only join companies which are part of your faction. If you're not aware of anyone else playing and want to join an online community, keep an eye out for organizations who are looking to recruit members.

It's worth taking your server balance into consideration when choosing the right faction. The most powerful faction on your server will mean that you'll be rewarded more when you play, however you'll be less likely of being picked for combat or facing opponents in open world PvP. Picking one of the 'underdogs' means you can team with the largest faction and are in with the best chance of stake an claim to your company should you can regain control of the region.

Benefits of Joining a Faction

The New World's Factions offer affiliations which offer special stat advantages along with special equipment, goods and other items that can't be obtained using other methods. These are not guilds of players rather they are broad-based groups who's influence in specific areas could alter your game.

The completion of Faction Quests will reward you with Faction Tokens, as well as a growing popularity within your Faction. Faction Tokens are used for trade for specific equipment, materials or consumables which are bound to your chosen faction.

You can accept at least six Faction Quests at a time through interaction with your Faction Leader. Faction Quests are split between PvE in addition to PvP. Contact your Faction Leader at the end of Faction Quests to earn your rewards.

After earning the required amount of reputation of your chosen Faction you will be able to participate in a quest, which once completed, will increase your Faction's Rank. Each Faction includes five ranks with each rank following the initial unlocking more than new equipment, cosmetics consumables, materials, and more that you can exchange with money you have earned in Faction Tokens.

Factions can also be used to open up the possibility of gaining control of territory and faction wars. Faction wars will test you against different factions as well as allies in 50 vs 50-player siege fights to conquer the land, gaining a territorial advantage. Being in control of territory allows your faction to enjoy benefits such as an increase in XP, a lower cost of workshops, and lowering the time-to-travel cooldowns associated with fast travel, and much more within areas.

Within each faction, you can form or join groups known as companies. Companies are guilds of up to 100 people to join together on quests as well as trade in materials and many more. Each company can only have one type of faction, that is, for instance when you join the Marauders but your business does not have any members of the Covenant or the Syndicate.

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