How to Get a Trade License in Dubai Without an Office Space?

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you want to Get a Trade License Dubai Without an Office- but how? This blog will inform you on the entire process of get a Dubai trade license.

Obtaining the trade license is one of the most important steps in the process of company formation in Dubai or the rest of the UAE for that matter. Obtaining a business trade license and starting a business in Dubai is very easy if you know the right people here. However, company formation in Dubai may seem complicated to newcomers. This is because of the steps involved in obtaining the trade license in Dubai.

The Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai is responsible for handling the registration of new business here. This means that to obtain the trade license Dubai, you need to deal with the authorities in the DED. If you are a foreigner who has limited knowledge about the Middle East, its customs, and dialects, then this might prove challenging to you.

The experts at Company Setup Consultants have years of experience with the business formation in Dubai. They can help you obtain the trade license and start your business in Dubai without any hiccups. As a result of starting numerous businesses all over the UAE, they have developed the required networks and connections to streamline the entire process of obtaining the trade license in Dubai.

Before getting into details about obtaining a business trade license in Dubai, you need to know about the different types of licenses available for businesses here.

The Dubai government is constantly making efforts to make business setup as smooth and easy as possible. Hence, it has recently introduced a new initiative to make obtaining the Dubai trade license even easier. This is known as the Instant Trade License in Dubai.

With this instant license facility, you do not even require an office in order to start a business.

Types of Trade License in Dubai

There are mainly four types of business trade licenses in Dubai. You may find more depending on the different economic jurisdictions in Dubai. However, regardless of those other specialized trade licenses, these four are the most popular trade licenses in Dubai. They are the four trade licenses you will find in Dubai Mainland.

Here are the four types of trade licenses in Dubai:

1. Commercial Trade License

The commercial trade license in Dubai is for businesses that want to perform business activities that involve buying and selling goods. Some of these business activities include trading products, importing products, exporting products, rental activities, brokerage activities, etc. Even if you want to trade outside the UAE but your business is located in Dubai, you still need the commercial trade license to operate your business.

2. Professional License

The professional license in Dubai is for businesses that want to perform business activities that involve selling their services to other people or businesses. If you hold a professional license in Dubai Mainland, then you can sell your services to the government and take on lucrative government contracts. Some business activities allowed by the professional license include auditing, healthcare services, consultancy services, digital marketing services, etc.

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