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European TV crew visits Riverbed Ranch!
Update video showing the happenings at the 140-plus resident off-grid community, Riverbed Ranch, Utah.

Speaking of tours, here's where you can see our currently-scheduled tours and register: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/r....iverbed-ranch-279722

About the Riverbed Ranch

The Utah OSR Land Cooperative is a non-profit agricultural co-op organized under Title 3 of the Utah Code. The co-op shareholders together own all 1,245 acres of farmland known as Riverbed Ranch. It's located in Juab County on the border of Tooele County. The acreage has been divided into 250 homesteads where families can build the online-but-off-grid homestead of their dreams.

Email jesse7@AcademyOSR.co7m (without the 7s) for our Project Summary along with relevant links. Mention how you first heard about our little town-building project.


3 yrs - Youtube

Most people think that being prepared means having a few days' worth of food and water stored in the event of an emergency. But I believe that the ultimate form of preparedness is living off the grid. When you're off the grid, you're not reliant on anyone else for your food, water or power. You're in complete control of your own destiny. And if the worst happens, you'll be able to weather any storm that comes your way.

So if you're looking for a truly prepared lifestyle, then I suggest you consider going off the grid. It just might be the smartest decision you ever make.

Here's an update from Utah's very own #offgrid community, Riverbed Ranch:


For sharing articles, news, and videos about topics related to preparedness, self-reliance, gardening, permaculture, homesteading, etc. Sponsored by the Utah non-profit Academy of Self-Reliance.