18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. "666"
IE Jorge Mario AKA POPE FRANCIS Jorge Mario in English Gematria equals: 666
Question what beast is verse 18 referring to? Is it the False Profit or Is it the Anti-Christ or could it be both?
The number 666 is referring to POPE FRANCIS AKA Jorge Mario. And verse 18 is letting you know the False Profits number.
The Anti-Christ is just the enforcer of the False Profit.
To conclude that the Image that is referred to in verse 14 is Pope Francis Image and Obama AKA the Anti-Christ just is the enforcer of the Popes decree to worship his Image and you want be able to buy or sell unless you have his Mark. And it will be Obama's use of Sharia law to kill anyone that will not worship the Pope or receive his mark.