Scratches amongst our pains of love for our babies.


Need a dog coat?I make collections here in my truck.


Mina INSISTING that Frieda doesn't get the prime position for this work photo at the post office.


When Mina and I were in Florida before the China Plague we saw this dog I SWORE was wearing PANTS!!


German Shepherd Dog owners and trainers not triggered by each others' choice of humane IPO or obedience training methods. Non-repetitive advertisements for rehoming/stud services involving GSDs are allowed.
ALL Rehoming/sales MUST INCLUDE some location data or will be warned/removed. Please don't cause our friends to get excited because a local member re-posted an available dog located 1000 miles away. Uncool!
Our Terms of Service do not allow promotion of anti-nuclear family or anti-American propaganda.

AWeber Smart Designer