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In the Image of His Glory Min
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Journal entry 2-12-21

Sitting in my living room today meditating on the promises of the Lord.

He responds by saying:

“The Promises of God are indeed Yes and Amen. They shall indeed unfold, and they shall also speak as they are meant to be told.”

2 Corinthians 1:20 For as many as are the promises of God, they all find their Yes [answer] in Him [Christ]. For this reason we also utter the Amen (so be it) to God through Him [in His Person and by His agency] to the glory of God.

I look up and my sun catcher is projecting little shooting rainbows all over my ceiling as I pray today. Heaven is moving in!

- Susan G OMarra
- 2-12-21


Heavens Angel Armies are moving in!

Last night while sitting on my bed, I heard the sound of marching. I turned my head and in the Spirit I saw massive amounts of angels all marching in military fashion row by row as they marched by my bed. They were being sent from Heaven to take up positions everywhere for heavens purposes for our land. God is not finished, nor is America! Trust in the Lord with all your heart! Do not fear! You are not alone! God is still on His Throne!

- Susan G OMarra
- 1-10-21

In The Image Of His Glory Ministries: Heavens Angel Armies Are Moving In! - 1-10-21

In The Image Of His Glory Ministries: Heavens Angel Armies Are Moving In! - 1-10-21

Heavens Angel Armies are moving in! Last night while sitting on my bed, I heard the sound of marching. I turned my head and in the Spirit I ...

Journal Entry: Wisdom in our Journeys:

(Whether for individuals, cities, peoples, cultures, or nations)

Seeing God at Work in Seasons of Shakings

There is a massive season of global birthing and of global transformation unfolding in the earth right now. Harvest is unfolding all around us!

Let us look to Him who is at work in us, and also through us, and around us, and let us embrace Him who knows what we will all finally become and do! He knows exactly what He is doing!

The purpose of Gods seasons of shaking is to extract everything that prevents us from fully being conformed to the image of Christ in our words, in our thoughts, and/or in our lives and deeds. Ask Him to show you what He is doing in you and also around you!

It is also to deeply root us into the truth of Him so we can see Him clearly, hear Him clearly, become like Him, and also fulfill all that we are called to become and to do in His Kingdom.

His shaking's, pruning's, purging's, etc, are painful, challenging, uncomfortable, stretching, testing our limits, and they all serve to remove any sin, carnality, flesh, darkness, pride, etc that currently entangle us so that we can move in the freedom of who He is, in order to reveal more of Him to those around us.

These type of seasons also serve to remove any demonic or natural/soulish hindrances and /or strongholds erected in, around or against you that hinder you from moving forwards. Stay rooted, stay in peace, and know that you have a future!

Shakings are not to bring destruction, but it actually is His process and work of a greater construction, and it is for the purpose of our moving us forwards and for our continuing on unto the fullness of His purposes. Onwards and Upwards!

We are in a huge heavenly global clean up program, and we currently don't yet see all that God is doing, but we know that when we all get to where He is bringing us to, we will see Him more clearly and will become more like Him!

He is the Author and the Finisher of our faith. Let Him fully strengthen you and root you deeper in your faith in Him. He is the Master Architect and the Designer of our Scrolls! Let us embrace the Lover of our souls, and rest in His full transforming care!

Hebrews 12;26 Then [at Mount Sinai] His voice shook the earth, but now He has given a promise: Yet once more I will shake and make tremble not only the earth but also the [starry] heavens. 27 Now this expression, Yet once more, indicates the final removal and transformation of all [that can be] shaken—that is, of that which has been created—in order that what cannot be shaken may remain and continue. 28 Let us therefore, receiving a kingdom that is firm and stable and cannot be shaken, offer to God pleasing service and acceptable worship, with modesty and pious care and godly fear and awe;

- Even so, come more Lord Jesus! Have your full way!

- Susan G OMarra
- 1-9-21


Stand firm in the storms of life. Storms reveal who you are!


We must learn to live and to dwell in Him, and do everything we do from within Him among men. True heart Reformation has begun. It’s time to rise!


This is where I share the prophetic articles, visitations, dreams, etc that the Lord gives to me. Blessings to you!

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