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The Spring of Reconciliation
by Linda Lariscy, "Life Lines"

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17-18 NKJV).

The icy winter has passed, and Spring is here. As you enjoy the rebirth of nature, remember that you are the offspring of God. Every human being has the same Creator, but unfortunately, not everyone is a son or daughter of God. Do you not realize that God is the Father of spirits? He is also the Father of lights. In Christ alone, can we know our heavenly Father and experience His light and love in our lives. We are born again when the scales of this world drop from our eyes as Christ reveals Himself to us.

Transformation is not becoming a better version of yourself. It is not a ten-step program of spiritual awakening. Instead, it is a miracle of the new birth. In Christ, you are a new species of being. Jesus gives you a new nature, one by which you choose to partake of His divine nature. Jesus reconciled you to God and positioned you to move in the power of the Holy Spirit. Life in the Spirit sets you free from every bondage and brings you peace. The peace of Christ in you makes you a person who pursues peace with all men. To have peace with God, others, and yourself results in unity. You no longer are split and live a double life; you are indeed one new man!

Our Father appoints seasons for His own purposes. We must align ourselves with His times. You are now in God’s timing to renew and begin again - to live and display a born-again life by His power. The beauty of the green trees and the blossoms of Spring are shouting out “seek the Lord” for His new life in you, which has a divine purpose. Make it your aim to be a vessel of reconciliation with all men and ask the Lord for restoration in your life. Rid yourself of every do-it-yourself notion and yield yourself to God’s will and rest in His power of transformation.


An Open Door
by Linda Lariscy, "Life Lines"

Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it (Rev. 3:8).

Passover is a time of shutting ourselves up to pray to remind us of God's goodness. He sent His Son to be our Passover Lamb, the One whose blood cleanses us from every stain. On the night before the Israelites left Egypt's land, Moses admonished them to stay in their homes.
The death angel would pass over their houses and when he saw the blood of the lamb on their doorposts.

Doors shut to protect us and open to give us opportunities to partake of new things freely. A door is a passageway from one place to another. If you walk through one that leads to sin, indeed, your life will be the worst for it. But if you walk through a door of hope and faith, you will transform and discover the liberty that only the Lord can only give you.

Choose wisely the door you walk through. Christ now is doing a new thing in your life. Do you see it, and are you willing to enjoy it by leaving the past behind? We are all on earth for such a short time. We must take every opportunity that God gives us to transform and walk in the newness of life.

To the disciples in the church of Philadelphia, Jesus identifies himself as the Holy One who opens doors that no one can shut and shuts doors that no one can open. He tells them, "I have set before you an open door, which no one can shut." Look for your open door this season, and do not be afraid to walk through it. Though it will bring change in your life, blessings are sure to follow.

3 años - Youtube

During this season of new beginnings are you watchful & paying attention to doors God is opening for you? These are opportune times of transformation. Be sure to watch and learn.


Linda Lariscy is the CEO of Holding Forth the Word of Life Ministries, an Apostolic Ministry located in Wrens, Ga. HFWL has a local & global vision to see the government of God rule over the souls of men through the Holy Spirit.

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