Hello Obtteviet Iars and welcome to our group! ? I hope you find things on here that speak to you in a helpful or fun way... please feel free to post often ?

This is a good article about unhappiness in marriage, and what we should do when we’ve found ourselves “unhappily married”. Approximately a 5 to 10 minute read.

Welcome to our group Don Kelly! Thanks for joining — we are growing little by little ☺️ Please feel free to post anytime! ?

Vic shared a post  
3 yrs

3 yrs

A reminder to myself. With everything going on in our culture and in the world, it is good to be reminded of what our heart condition should be as we follow Christ.


This is a fun space to share marriage relationship humor, as well as offer helpful insight from a biblical perspective to give hope & encouragement to those who need it. Marriage is hard... it can be hard to serve our spouse with true selflessness; there are seasons of sadness & difficulties, so let this be a group that brings a beacon of light & hope along with a good healthy humor — we could all use a good laugh everyday, right? Please join us & post, post, post!!!

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