Percy was born in the BLM and stayed there for over 7 years! This last year and a half he has shown the adaptability of a mustang from training to trail rides and he has done an amazing job.  Major shout out to Cayla Stone for getting him started and helping me so much on my journey with him.”


Success Stories — Wild Rose Mustang Advocacy Group

Success Stories — Wild Rose Mustang Advocacy Group

Just one example of how cruelly our Mustangs are treated.

According to AWHC’s onsite observer, the BLM told the public that the mare died instantly, but his photos clearly show that she was still moving and holding her head up after crashing into the panels. Instead of euthanizing her immediately, BLM wranglers covered her with a sheet while she was still alive, waited until she was no longer moving, then wrapped chains around her back legs and dragged her away. 


Violent Death Of Wild Mustang At Fed'l Roundup Sparks Public Outrage | American Wild Horse Campaign

FILLMORE, Utah (July 19, 2020)…A wild mustang mare crashed, broke her neck and was dragged off with chains yesterday after at a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) helicopter  roundup in Utah’s Swasey Herd Management Area (HMA).

Seargent Reckless wasn't a Mustang, but, I think, deserves a spot on the American Mustang page.

Reckless made the trips on her own without any Marine, save for the occasional wounded laid across her back. She was wounded twice, hit both above her eye and in her left flank. Yet she continued to make the trip back and forth while under fire and without any urging by a human being.


The Story of Sergeant Reckless: Korean War Horse Served with Valor | America's Best Racing

The Story of Sergeant Reckless: Korean War Horse Served with Valor | America's Best Racing

The recoilless rifle was six feet long and weighed over a hundred pounds. It often required three or four Marines to carry it across the battlefields during the Korean War. Lugging it was dangerous, but it was necessary, because that rifle, which the
Su di noi

Anything Mustang.

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