Before long, those who choose not to be vaccinated will be considered traitors, outsiders, and anti-society. They will be denied the right to work, travel, buy or sell. Eventually, many will be starved or be killed for their choice! How do I know? Because it is already starting . . . The Bible calls this the "Mark of the Beast".

This will come to fruition during the "Great Tribulation", but the church will not be here. We will be taken during the "Rapture of the Church" to be will the Lord, and spared his great wrath.

If we see this starting to happen NOW, imagine just how close the Rapture is! The question is, will you be among those taken in the Rapture or will you be left behind to suffer God's wrath on mankind! There is still time for you to make a decision to follow Jesus.

Pastor Ron Cusano

This will eventually become the "Mark of the Beast" and you will need it to buy, sell, travel or fit in with society, while giving allegiance to "

Digital Vaccine Passports Are Coming & Could Be Used For Much More Than Travel

The words

This group is about the events taking place on the world stage, and how they relate to Bible prophecy! These are the "Last Day's" so hang on! It is going to be an interesting ride! Pastor Ron

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