Hey everyone I'm Issac Hopkins,
I'm the founding director of SquishyBrick.com, a Brand Strategy & Copywriting studio.
I help small business owners transform their brands messaging & goals into unique experiences for your customers.

Check out my case studies & more at:

#slidedeck #ebooks #blogs #marketingstrategy #productdescriptions #messaging #salespage #scripts #advertisments #workshop

Strategy Guided Copywriting| Squishy Brick | Nantucket, MA | United States

Strategy Guided Copywriting| Squishy Brick | Nantucket, MA | United States

SquishyBrick - Brand Strategy & Copywriting Studio. Transform your brands messaging & goals into unique experiences for your customers.

My name is Wendy and I am the owner and founder of Keene's, an online clothing store. You can visit my site at www.keenes.biz. We offer cute, fun and trendy clothing at affordable prices.

Welcome to the group. Please introduce yourself and tell us about your business.

Über Uns

We can post business related sales, articles, promotions and etc. Learn from each other and support each other.

AWeber Smart Designer