The need has never been greater: in #state and #church, in public and private, in work for #men and work for #god, the call is for men of #strength.

A Christian man must be #humble, but also #strong. He must practice self-denial, but should also possess self-respect. He is taught to #forgive his enemies, but also to be #angry and sin not. #strength calls for self-restraint and self-control, but also for self-respect and self-assertion. This strength drives men to risk all, offering the "last full measure of devotion" for the sake of #god, #family, and #country.

Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly - here we have stuck upon the secret of this masculine strength. It is open to all. It is not a matter of temperament or training, but of #faith.

"Strength is the glory of manhood. Manhood and strength are synonymous."
– James Isaac Vance (1899)

Über Uns

Our vision is to be the premier national character development organization for young men which produces godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens.

Our Mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure.

This page is for our local area to find information on the new troops starting.
Most guys want exciting outdoor adventure with their friends. We’ve got that! Trips and travel? That, too. Camping. Check. Physical and mental challenge? Yep. And awards? Of course!
Trail Life USA is a Christian adventure, character, and leadership program for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers. Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible.

Learn more at:

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