Bringing Darkness to Light
While the document does not specify how the surveillance firm procures its data, the luxuries of owning a modern car tied to the "internet of things" appear to have their downfalls as car companies or third parties, or even the government can track these vehicles in real-time

New Document Exposes How This Company Tracks Car Locations In Real-Time | ZeroHedge

New Document Exposes How This Company Tracks Car Locations In Real-Time | ZeroHedge

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Truth is Freedom was founded in response to the government overreach of the Marxist take over of America. We are a grassroots organization in the US whose mission is to eradicate social stupidity and ignorance and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted upon all those who dare to speak out and stand up for their Religious Freedom and Constitutional rights within the community by the state and bullies. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for the opportunity for all to succeed and centering on what truly make

AWeber Smart Designer