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This is what many of us have been preaching for the past few years.
I told you we NEEDED to bring our Nation back to Christ.
We have failed.
We also all know that the Globalists ARE NOT going to allow Trump to win the 2020 election.
They just CAN NOT allow it. They are already behind in there plans, and their time table is dictated
by the coming of the
He has worked for the past three years faced with the greatest opposition that is unrepresented in the
The United States.
He was up against criminals within our government that are agents of the globalists. The Globalists are
the world's top one % of the richest people in the world,...
They are the 1% of the world's population.
A year ago, poverty-fighting organization Oxfam came out with a report stating that 62 individuals
controlled half the world's wealth.
This year, that number dropped to 8.'
"It is obscene for so much wealth to be held in the hands of so few when one in ten people survive on less than $2 a day
Inequality is trapping hundreds of millions in poverty; it is fracturing our
societies and undermining democracy."
According to Oxfam, the wealthiest individuals in the world are:
Bill Gates
Amancio Ortega (Spanish founder of Inditex)
Warren Buffett
Carlos Slim (Mexican businessman)
Jeff Bezos
Mark Zuckerberg
Larry Ellison
Michael Bloomberg
THESE Giants are TOTALLY against Trump.
They WILL NOT ALLOW him to be the president for another four years.
They bring out ALL the stops. They will either assassinate him when he wins in November.
What does Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, predicted that there will be an outbreak of the third world war in 2020.
Nostradamus also warned the world of great earthquakes in North America in 2020, or another geological disaster that will strike the "New World".
On top of natural cataclysms, an economic crisis was also supposedly predicted for 2020.
Nostradamus is believed by many to have predicted the outbreak of World War 3 and some think 2020 could be the year it finally happens.
Tensions in the Middle East rose high after US President Donald Trump ordered a missile strike on Iran’s Major General Qassem Soleimani on January 3.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei vowed “forceful revenge” in retaliation for the attack, which the US dubbed a countermeasure against future acts of terrorism.
Iran retaliated days later with a series of missile attacks on US army bases in Iraq.
With the western world and the eastern world clashing, conflict in the Middle East and domestic unrest in China, the world teetered on the brink of chaos.
One Nostradamus passage, in particular, could forewarn of a global conflict unfolding next year.
The Nostradamus prophecy reads: “Twice put up and twice cast down, the East will also weaken the West.
“Its adversary after several battles chased by sea will fail at the time of need
“The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt. An evil deed, foretold by the bearer of a petition.”
Impeachment will empower Trump. He claims a deep-state Coup d'état
Craig Hamilton-Parker, Psychics.co.uk
Based on his own predictions for the next year, Mr Hamilton-Parker said there is a strong possibility a war will break out.
However, the psychic foresaw a devastating conflict unfolding in the Middle East, rather than globally, which he said will last from 2020 until 2021.
The conflict will involve “riots in Iran” and an all-out war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Off the back of the conflict, Mr. Hamilton-Parker said: “Putin and Trump enforce a peace deal.”
In pastor Begley’s opinion, humanity is now living in the “prophetic era”.
He said: “There’s no question about it. Prophecy is a key point of the Bible.
The Book of Revelation (13 of 22) The New World Order in Prophecy
Praise the Lord.,

Su di noi

The people of the United Sovereign States of the Republic of Washington are the watchers of the world's lies, misinformation, scriptural and political corruption of our religious leaders within the world today.
We The Watchers, seek continuous guidance from the Holy Spirit, to see the truth in worldly events, to give us strength in the face of the temptations of the evil one, for the strength, to carry this knowledge, to be able to endure the persecution that the same knowledge incurs, to endure the shunned social isolation that comes

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