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Watchmen on the wall
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I'm so glad that we now have a place to go to so we can get away from facebook. I first learned of global entities such as the Illuminati, CFR, Bilderbergs, Rothschilds, etc. in 1980. For decades after that I just tried to hide. But ten years ago our Lord Jesus/Yeshua bumped me into a nation wide struggle to stop the INTERnational animal ID scheme called the National Animal Identification System (NAIS). This was not about animal disease or food safety. It is about taking our private property rights away from us which are a cornerstone of our Republic and freedom. I learned a lot in those five years including not to trust even FOX News. We did not get this arm of the U.N.'s Agenda 21/2030 stopped. It is very much alive and well today. One more step toward a one world government that is in total control of all food and water and assets. If you have not read the Agenda, you need to do it. As a watchman on the wall I am trying to warn of what is upon us. Wake up!


My ongoing attempts to awaken one and all who are unaware - sleeping - of what is coming at us as Christians and this Republic.

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