The Christian Heritage of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Part 23

AMERICA: The Western State of Israel
By: Tommie Spurgeon

For a very long time a politician couldn’t run for the office of Governor of any state without being a Christian and often times even that had to fit specifics in doctrine such as The Doctrine of the Trinity. When I was a child in Oklahoma it was hard for a teacher to find a job teaching if they were not Christians. During the past 60 years Socialist and Liberals have eroded the belief in our Christian heritage in this nation. The ACLU, the Southern Poverty Center and others such as activist Judges have done tremendous damage to the Christian History of our Nation. The National Education Association has been slowly removing and destroying our Christian past in this country in an attempt to remove religion from it’s foundational roots. Some States have removed the Magna Chart from the history books under the guise of "separation of Church and state."

The Scripture says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn" (Prov. 29:2). We must Pray and do what we can to help change this in America.

I feel that it is time in fact past time for Christians to follow the example of the Sons of liberty and other freedom fighters for our Christian freedoms. We need to have the goal or mission to preserve the true Constitution of the United States and to help other Christians in America keep their 1st amendment rights of freedom of religion. If we do not put an end to the war against our freedom of religion in America we can possibly lose our legal ability to witness about Jesus, we could become criminals in our own country for sharing Jesus Christ with others.

America was founded on religious freedom but many groups such as the ACLU and other atheistic groups are trying to use the courts to destroy that freedom in America. If we do not do something we will lose our freedom of religion. The greatest weapon that God gives us is knowledge in our war for freedom of religion. Without knowledge people perish, but with knowledge we are able to preserve what God has given to us.

. a man of faith
. a servant and a man of GOD
. first man to be considered as Jew
. the "Father of All Nations"
. the Father of ISAAC (one of Abraham's son, whom GOD promised to establish His convenant with
. the grandfather of, JACOB, the great-grandfather of JOSEPH
. the great, great-grandfather of, EPHRAIM (America) and MANASSEH (Great Britain)


The Christian Heritage of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Part 22

AMERICA: The Western State of Israel
By: Tommie Spurgeon

They used the Rotunda of the Capitol Building for a Church?

While Thomas Jefferson was President, Congress decided to use the Rotunda of the Capitol building for Christian worship on Sundays. This was an effort to promote Christianity. Thousands of people came to Church there. This was determined in 1800 at the time Washington D.C., became the national capitol, the President moved into the White House, and Congress moved into the Capitol building.

President Jefferson chose to attend church each Sunday at the Capitol and even provided the service with paid government musicians to assist in its worship. Jefferson also began similar Christian services in his own Executive Branch, both at the Treasury Building and at the War Office. Jefferson also encouraged the use of a local courthouse as a meeting place forChristian services;

As President James Madison issued several proclamations for public days of prayer, fasting, and thanksgiving, and like Thomas Jefferson, President Madison also attended church at the Capitol, thus publicly endorsing religion in the official arena.

Not only did Jefferson and Madison endorse religion in the public arena; they were even willing publicly to endorse Christian prayers in the public arena rather than the generic politically correct civic prayers desired by critics of public prayers.
John Quincy Adams, a U. S. Senator, made frequent references to these services. Typical of his almost weekly entries are these:

Religious service is usually performed on Sundays at the Treasury office and at the Capitol. I went both forenoon and afternoon to the Treasury. October 23, 1803. Attended public service at the Capitol, where Mr. Ratoon, an Episcopalian clergyman from Baltimore, preached a sermon. October 30, 1803.

The Rev. Mannasseh Cutler, a U. S. Congressman (as well as a chaplain in the Revolution and a physician and scientist) similarly recorded in 1804:

December 23, Sunday. Attended worship at the Treasury. Mr. [James] Laurie [pastor of the Presbyterian Church] alone [preached]. Sacrament [communion]. Full assembly. Three tables; service very solemn; nearly four hours. Cold day.

By1867, the church in the Capitol had become the largest church in Washington, and the largest Protestant church in America.

There are many additional framers of our government who are also qualified to speak to the issue of religious expressions in official and political arenas.

For example: Sensible of the importance of Christian piety and virtue to the order and happiness of a state, I cannot but earnestly commend to you every measure for their support and encouragement . . . .The very existence of the republics . . . depend much upon the public institutions of religion. John Hancock, Signer of Declaration of Independence, Governor of Massachusetts

George Washington - indisputably a constitutional expert - declared that religion and morality were inseparable from government, and that no true patriot, whether politician or clergyman, would attempt to weaken the relationship between government and the influence of religion and morality.

Jefferson urged local governments to make land available specifically for Christian purposes; In an 1803 federal Indian treaty, Jefferson willingly agreed to provide $300 to "assist the said Kaskaskia tribe in the erection of a church" and to provide "annually for seven years $100 towards the support of a Catholic priest." He also signed three separate acts setting aside government lands for the sole use of religious groups and setting aside government lands so that Moravian (a Protestant Denomination) missionaries might be assisted in "promoting Christianity."

Jefferson assured a Christian religious school that it would receive "the patronage of the government"; Jefferson also proposed that the Great Seal of the United States depict a story from the Bible and include the word "God" in its motto;

It is amazing that the enemies of liberty under the disguise of "separation of Church and State" can only remember one statement that Thomas Jefferson said about it and twist it into a meaning that was never intended. Thomas Jefferson believed in the Lord Jesus Christ just like the other founders of our nation.

Our nation was founded a Christian Nation along with the moral laws of the Bible which gave men the liberty to chose for themselves the road they wanted to take in the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration said it and the Constitution verifies it.


The Christian Heritage of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Part 21

AMERICA: The Western State of Israel
By: Tommie Spurgeon

The President (Barack Obama) that we now have, doesn’t keep the laws on immigration or the marriage amendment act that was passed by both the Senate and Congress because he thinks that they are unfair laws. He tells those that are to enforce those laws by executive command not to obey or enforce those laws because they are unjust. If the President doesn/t have to keep the laws of this country because he thinks that they are unjust then the Christians in this nation have equal right to disobey the unjust laws that have been imposed on us through the ACLU and other socialist legal groups. No one should be able to sue or arrest any American citizen over these issues. We need God back in our country. We have a big job to do when we do. One is to keep protecting and defending Christian liberties and to defend the nation of Israel as well. If we see any Christian making a stand against these injustices we need to join with them in the cause. May God bless and keep America under the shadow of His mighty Wings.

One of the very disturbing things today is that the take over of Christianity by our enemies is done through lies and false interpretation of our founders. The view of tolerance towards ungodly living and principles is bringing swift destruction upon us and our families. When we say that we are a Christian nation President Obama says that we used to be but we are not any longer. Is that really true? Or does he just want it to be that way. We were founded as a Christian nation and made a covenant with God in the Mayflower Compact. If you make a deal with God he holds you to it.

6. Is America a Christian Nation?

This is one of the questions that may be in the minds of many people today. Is America a Christian nation or is it merely a secular nation that allows religion to exist. Is it a multiple religious nation? Some believe that it is; but what did our founding Fathers have to say about all of this? Before we find out what they said I would like to express the fact that the Christian Religion is the most tolerant of all faiths in the world. We believe in loving everyone and allowing others to make their own choices. All Americans should be free to worship as they feel directed from their hearts. Our only hope is that they would make the right choices.

America's founders believed this. George Washington said, "True religion (Christianity) offers to government its surest support." John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States, argued, "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity."

President Thomas Jefferson said that: "No nation has ever existed or been governed without religion. Nor can be. The Christian religion is the best religion that has been given to man and I, as Chief Magistrate of this nation, am bound to give it the sanction of my example."

President Thomas Jefferson, March 4, 1805, offered A National Prayer for Peace:
"Almighty God, Who has given us this good land for our heritage; We humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy will. Bless our land with honorable ministry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitude brought hither out of many kindred’s and tongues. Endow with Thy spirit of wisdom those to whom in Thy name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and thatthrough obedience to Thy law, we may show forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth. In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in Thee to fail; all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

James Madison also encouraged public officials to declare openly and publicly their Christian beliefs and testimony — as when he wrote to William Bradford (who became Attorney General under President George Washington):

"I have sometimes thought there could not be a stronger testimony in favor of religion or against temporal enjoyments, even the most rational and manly, than for men who occupy the most honorable and gainful departments and who are rising in reputation and wealth, publicly to declare their unsatisfactoriness by becoming fervent advocates in the cause of Christ; and I wish you may give in your evidence in this way."


The Christian Heritage of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Part 20

AMERICA: The Western State of Israel
By: Tommie Spurgeon

Our leaders in Government are slowly derailing America and Israel. When will it end? It will not end until the Christians of this country get off of their lazy backsides and do something. We must actively get involved and I am not talking about a political party, I am talking about standing up in large protest just as the homosexuals do. It has worked for them. If protest and standing up will make a difference why don’t we do it?

One of our excuses is religious. We drag out the scripture says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. 2Cor: 10:4. This scripture is specifically talking about living an overcoming life not about keeping what God has given us not that we cannot do anything in the flesh to fight the Devil when he is threatening our survival. When David went against Goliath he didn’t sit down on the hillside and look across at Goliath and say the battle is the Lords, so I will sit here and pray and watch God defeat Goliath. What he did say was that battle was the Lords but in the process he went down the hillside to engage the enemy carrying his slingshot and five stones to fight with. His faith was that if he offered himself as a living sacrifice that God would help him win the battle. God did. Elijah faced the false prophets of Baal and his government who was Ahab and Jezebel and won. We must trust God and stand up for what God gave us through the blood and efforts of our Christian founders. Many do not know it but the Jews living in America at the time of the Revolution helped finance the weapons and supplies that our founders needed to fight against the English oppression. I am not advocating taking up arms against our Government but I do believe that we should do everything short of it to win back our religious freedom. God is depending on us to stand up and fight for him.

If there is to be a Revival in America that will get America back on track it will take the Christian people getting back to the public and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ without fear. The early Church went to jail and endured much suffering to take the Gospel to the world. God gave the Church in America this land so that we would be free to worship and speak about the things of God openly. Being ashamed of Jesus is not what God intended America to be, but rather to be a place of open freedom to declare the Word of God without fear and oppression from our own government. We are going to have to refuse to obey unjust laws that have been made against us. Unjust laws that have been shoved down our throats by the ACLU and others. Going to jail must become an option in our thinking the price is not too great. I am seventy years old and I am willing to go to jail or be criticized for my stance on God and country. We must resist the Devil by refusing to obey laws that are destroying every dream the founders had.

Our founders did not come to this country to kill and take away the land of Indians like many Atheists would have you believe. They came because of religious persecution from their own government in England, After coming here they did not immediately decide to go to war with England, it was far from their minds. They just wanted freedom to serve God the way they believed was right. But what happened was that that government could not leave well enough alone. The religion known as the Church of England after a while followed them to the colonies and the English government began to oppress the churches and make them feel obligated to the authority of the Church of England. This is exactly what our government is doing today it is telling us how and where we can speak about Jesus.

We must stand up because we are Christians, Ephraim the western state of Israel. This is the heart, blood and guts of our country. O Israel when will you arise and take back what the enemy has stolen from you. We must do what Abraham Lincoln said; "We must not pray that God will be on our side but rather pray that we will be on his." God is definitely not standing on the side of running from our responsibility as Christians. God himself founded this country as a Christian country through the founders. Everything about out country was built surrounding freedom of religion and Christianity. It is a not a Democracy but a Republic with a Constitution and it’s amendments are the laws of our country built on Bible Principles. To not stand up for freedom of Religion and try to have the first Amendment re-interpreted and our freedom to speak freely about Jesus would be nothing short of committing high treason against God and his Kingdom. When it comes to talking about Jesus or sharing religious thought it shouldn’t matter whether or not we are in a Government building, in public or wherever we are.


The Christian Heritage of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Part 19

AMERICA: The Western State of Israel
By: Tommie Spurgeon

5. Fight the Battle

Whether we want to recognize it or not we are in a battle for our very existence. Judeo-Christianity is under attack like it has never been before in America. Since 1948 when Israel regained its nation in the Middle East Satan has attacked us from within with our very leaders. It is move of the Devil to remove God and Christianity from America. Judge Black from the Supreme Court changed the meaning of the First Amendment that granted freedom of Religion in America to a Soviet Term of Separation of Church and State. He used a statement out of context in a letter to the Danbury Church as his reasoning. Up until that time America could talk about Jesus anywhere. In public, anywhere and it was never an offense to our Government. Since then prayer was removed from the schools, the way Judges judge laws concerning marriage and everything else has taken a plunge from righteousness to ungodliness.

You would be surprised how many Christians have sold out God in America who just like Judas Iscariot sold Jesus for pieces of silver. Before you go to believing that I am being political realize this. I am not a Republican or a Democrat I belong to an Independent Party but most of all, above party or anything I am a Christian first. I had a woman tell me on the phone just recently, she said, "Tommie the Christians in America are cowards". I have to agree with her statement the Christians of this country are afraid to stand up for Jesus anymore.

The news that the 2012 Democratic National Committee stuck down the previous 2008 stance that said that Americans had God-given potential and that Jerusalem was the Capital of Israel caused quite a disturbance in the nation. The Republicans jumped right on this opportunity in hopes of giving Romney the lead on the election. This stance was always the platform for both parties down through the years. However the Democrats omitted it from the platform this year. This was re-instated on the 5th of September at the Democratic National Convention. Obama realizing that his election could hang in the balance because of this decision decided to put it to a vote on convention floor. In the 2008 election Obama said that Jerusalem should always be the capital of Israel and agreed that the U.S. Embassy should be moved from Tel-Aviv to there. However when an outcry from the Palestinians and others came against him he shifted his view to the idea that Bill Clinton had during his term that was also adopted by G.W. Bush. This view was that there are so many different religions and people that consider Jerusalem to be a Holy Place in their beliefs and come to Jerusalem to celebrate and worship that the city out to be an international city and left open to everyone. Since there were so many claims from both Palestinians and the Israelis the view from both Bill Clinton and G.W. Bush was to let the Palestinians and Israelis work it out between themselves through negotiations, although the city should be left open to all.

If our Government creates any problems for Israel in any of these things it will hurt the purpose that God has for America. It will not stop what God has planned for our country but will make it difficult for the Christians in America to help and support Israel the way that we should. I find the following video very disturbing because when the chairman put this re-instatement to the floor of the Convention they literally had to force it on the party to help Obama regain his ground in the election. Watch closely and you will see what I am talking about. The vote was put to the people three times with a aye or no type vote. There is supposed to be a two thirds vote either way to decide the outcome. It was put to them three different times and it was decided that the aye vote was the winner. However if you watch this you will notice that it really was about fifty to fifty with the ayes and nos nothing close to a two-thirds vote. I am glad that this was decided but it is discomforting. Please watch this very short video.

This is discomforting considering that more and more people are joining the Democratic Party that represents a non-Christian anti-Israeli group. There was a lot of boos against God and Israel from many Democrats at the results of this decision. As they grow in strength the next election may not keep the view that we have a God-given potential or that Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel. This is very possible. The Christians in America had better wake up and take a stand for freedom of religion and speech concerning Christians. If we don’t we will lose our voice completely in America.


The Christian Heritage of America

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