Hello everyone. Just started this group after joining USA.Life after deleting my Facebook after the recent censoring campaign against conservatives began. In case anybody is wondering, if you can't tell by the name, this group is about networking and sharing knowledge about SHTF survival and prepping concepts, as well as any tips on combat/survival readiness. I welcome anything that we can use to help us all through these certain times.

To any trolls who wish to twist my words or even anybody who is just genuinely concerned. This group has nothing to do with civil disobedience against constitutionally, lawfully elected officials or any form of revolution or civil disobedience against a constitutionally, lawfully elected government. This has nothing to do with anything like that.

This group is only about readiness for SHTF. Whether it be a rogue-like non-elected tyrannical governmental power, coming to confiscate our weapons by force and throw us into concentration/death camps, a natural disaster, a foreign country invading the US, etc. Anything. These are very uncertain times. Nobody here is saying to get violent. But I think you will all join me in saying, it would behoove all of us to just be prepared. To be ready. For anything.


The long and short of it, is this: This country seems to be at a boiling point, politically and culturally. I am creating this group as a means for my fellow American patriots to network, and prepare for anything that comes our way.

I am not sure if you have heard the saying, "If you are prepared for it, it won't happen". I am not calling for violence, I am calling for us all to get prepared and stick together. Nothing more and nothing less.

AWeber Smart Designer