#romanticsuspense #amreadingromance #crimefiction Thank you Lolo Paige! "This is a fun book to read and for me, the dialogue is the most fun. It’s witty, original, and often funny, the way real people talk. The plot is original with an identity thief with partial amnesia impersonating a nurse practitioner. It was fun to read the twists and turns and the slow burn between the two main characters. Humor is intertwined with the plot and lots of action. The author poses questions and leads us through the winding plot to the eventual answers. And it’s never what you think. I love that in the whodunit mysteries. I love that the detective knows more about Catherine Cade than she does. If you’re in the mood for a fun read with twist, turns, and romance, this book is for you. I look forward to more books by this writer!" https://www.amazon.com/Romance....-Under-Wraps-Claire-

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5 yrs

Welcome to Clean Romance Reader's Group. This is a group for readers to find Christian and Clean reads only. Authors, feel free to post your books and interact with awesome readers. Keep it clean and respectful.

5 yrs

Welcome to Clean Romance Reader's Group. This is a group for readers to find Christian and Clean reads only. Authors, feel free to post your books and interact with awesome readers. Keep it clean and respectful.


A group for authors to share their stories and readers to find good, wholesome, clean reads.

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