Philosophy: Conservatives *can* have fun and chew gum at the same time.

On the other hand we can't convince each other of things. There is no need. We're on the same channel.

Thus, the CC Group could only be a conservative echo chamber...unless we do something different. We discuss. Actually discuss topics in more than twitter sentences. Therefore discussion is encouraged.
--No cussing. Be polite. NO cute bumper stickers only. No reposts of other's articles on USALife. More, if you post an article link, comment on your post, else don't post it. If you don't feel strongly enough about your post to comment, then others won't either.

--Two posts per day. Feel strongly about your post(s).

Members...I encourage you to post your conservative linkouts here. A post here will be seen site-wide. But more than that it won't scroll off. It will be in this group forever.... You can always find it and refer back to it.

I'd love for the CC Group to serve as a conservative think tank where we discuss real strategy and issues. This is Realville. If you take a position on something, be able to defend it. Old out new conservatives. They have much to learn.

#secondamendment Republican Congressional candidate denied CCW with no record, No reason what so ever.
She was placed on the FBI's do not buy list NO DUE PROCESS NO REASON EXCEPT POLITICAL! THIS IS WHAT DON BACON, DEB FISHER, BEN SISSY AND FORTENBERRY WANT TO DO TO ALL PATRIOTS IN THE US. That is Why Don Bacon cosponsored the domestic terrorism bill! They want to silence their political enemies by turning the CIA, FBI and Military on We The People to IN THE WORDS OF THE CIA! “This is apparently what passes as brilliant thought within our intelligence apparatus. The former head of the CIA’s counter-terrorism wing, Robert Grenier, provides an excellent illustration of why our intel agencies are so terrible, opining that the government should start treating Americans like Al Qaeda in the “war” against “domestic extremism.”

You better get off your ass and organize and make some noise or they'll pick you off one by one!

Learn How HR 127 Will Turn Legal Gun Owners Into Criminals

Learn How HR 127 Will Turn Legal Gun Owners Into Criminals

Laura Loomer of joins The Alex Jones Show to expose how she was set up to be in possession of her own firearm illegally after being placed on the NICS database.
3 años - SoundCloud

Well many in the GOP are more than happy to assault trump supporters or should I say empower the Demonrats to assault us and then beg us for donations to fight back on our behalf! Like my congressmen Don Bacon who cosponsored the new Anti terrorism bill to fund an all out assault on Patriots trying to get a real investigation of the Election fraud!
WE need a New party because after trying to get the local GOP to hold them accountable it's clear they do not care enough about their kids and grand kids freedom to do anything meaningful! Time to build the Patriot/MAGA party! To focus on cleaning up the election process locally and replacing cowardice Sheriff's, and Traitors in local government. To build a wall to keep out the DEMONRATS in our communities! I hear people say it's hopeless.
Then you must not believe GOD can or will intervene at any point!
I can tell you from experience HE KEEPS HIS PROMISES! But frankly whether He does in time to save me or not! I WILL NOT BOW TO THE godwannabees! I will fight until the end no matter what that is! What about you will you follow in the foot steps of those the stormed the beaches at Normandy! Or the Heroes of faith we read about in GOD'S WORD? Or will you surrender your Children s and Grandchildren s souls to the New World Order? I just released this a few weeks ago and sang it in DC.

Free Ammo for the war of Ideas to restore Freedom for our kids and Grand kids!


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