I guess to give an idea of some down-home cooking from here (WV): The well-known green bean casserole is a favorite of mine. My grandmother would make creamed tomatoes, which I love with cornbread. My cousin makes it with pasta, which I had not tried before. Um, Grandma also made the best baked steak using cubed steak (hit with a meat tenderizer, basically) and gravy with mashed potatoes and green beans. My other grandma made me "jungle soup," which I found out from Facebook friends is really American goulash. Um, fried green tomatoes, scalloped potatoes, chili, pork chops. What's something you can think of?

Hello, Judy! Do you have any friends to invite? I don't know how to get this up and running. I love down-home cooking but the cooks of my family have passed and I miss those country dishes and would love to discover some.

Hey, Frogs, you have any friends to invite? I'm not sure how to get any attention for the group.


A place to share family-favorite recipes and/or newly discovered dishes. You can't go wrong with a casserole!

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