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Pelosi & Schumer have deliberately LABELLED the Capitol protest an “armed insurrection.” The FBI confirmed that NO weapons were involved. It was orchestrated in advance to achieve three objectives: 1) To stop any demand to investigate the election; 2) To further the Domestic Terrorist Act; and 3) To justify creating a wall around the Capitol to PROTECT THEM while IMPOSING the Global S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-T Network's UN-CONSTITUTIONAL "Great Reset."


Our children & grandchildren are depending upon us to END THIS.


IF, IF, IF the SOCIALISTS pass a "wealth tax" EVERYONE will have to DISCLOSE ALL ASSETS to prove they are NOT "wealthy"... just like your annual "income" disclosure... to prove your tax liability. "ALL ASSETS" including CASH; Precious Metals; GUN collections; coin collections, antique furniture, stamp collections, etc., etc., will have to be disclosed... ON A FORM... to a SOCIALIST government! How long will it take for them to LOWER the "threshold" for HOW MUCH is "wealthy?"

Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders propose 3% wealth tax on billionaires

Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders propose 3% wealth tax on billionaires

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Bernie Sanders and a slew of other Democrats proposed a 2% tax on wealth above $50 million and a 3% tax on wealth over $1 billion.

Now that we KNOW that the v-i-r-u-s has a +99% survival rate; AND we DON'T KNOW why some areas still have mask-mandates and lock-downs; we can only form THEORIES as to WHY we are being ISOLATED from each other! Is a "conspiracy" "theory" REALLY an "absurd idea?"


ALL "Government Spending" RESULTS in greater DEBT & HIGHER TAXES!!!

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