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Kingdom Play
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Communication builds a relationship. It doesn't matter whether that relationship is with God or with another human being. No communication = no relationship.

God has always told me that my job is to help people hear from Him for themselves. That is why I teach what I teach and that is the heart behind everything I do.

I will be posting more audio links from my spiritual warfare class soon. All for this purpose:

To help people hear from God for themselves.

#jesussaves #faith #godblesstheusa #revelation

4 yrs - Youtube

Have you ever felt like you were being Judged?

Do you know what judgments actually do?

#jesussaves #freedom #faith #christianity



The practical, transformative, instruction and stories from those who have practically lived out the discipleship requirement of Jesus...

"So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple."
Luke 14:33 NKJV

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