YES President Obama knew something! He was keeping up his end of the deal he made with the Clintons! He directed the FBI and CIA to spy on American citizens! "Obama Gate" will do for Nixon what Clinton did for Georgia!

I recall watching President Obama say on television during the 2016 campaign: "Trump will never be president." At the time I thought it strange how he spoke with certainty as though he knew something...

I have watched lying thieves sell this country down the river! I have watched communists pretending to be "Liberal" Democrats trample the Constitution! I have watched these same liars abuse the Federal Court System. I have watched them control and manipulate the Federal Government with their "Deep State" Operatives AKA "Government Service Grade" (GSG) Employees. Employees who have been hired since 1974 using the Government Application litmus test! (In 1985 I applied for a Federal Job. I could not believe that I had to answer Essay Questions about how I "felt" about a particular subject!) I had never been asked how I "felt" about something. I had always been asked what I thought about something!


This group is about keeping America a free nation. The Democrat party has become the de facto communist/socialist party in the U.S. and liberals have swallowed the socialist agenda "hook line and sinker".

AWeber Smart Designer