The Davidic Covenant was made with King David, promising him a son (descendant) who will reign forever on his throne. This is a prophecy of the Messiah who is to come.
#bible #covenants #prophecy

The Mosaic Covenant is the one most familiar to us. In this covenant we have the 10 Commandments, and the beginnings of the ancient nation of Israel.

One of the problems we have in our society is that everyone thinks they are a leader, but no one wants to be a follower. This is why we have so many toxic churches where factions/cliques attempt to run things. But that is not the example Jesus demonstrated for leadership. Being able to be a good follower is an essential characteristic of the best leaders.


Words mean something. Words can lead people into action. We have to be careful with the words we use, because our words can be a blessing, or lead to disaster.

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Pilgrim's Way Ministries is an apologetics and educational ministry focused on helping small churches provide quality teaching experiences and other ministry services.

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