Episode 6 - Pawns In The Game, The Global Elite 25 Point Plan To Conquer Humanity


In this episode I draw from the book Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr, published in 1958.

While this book is full of enlightening details about how we have arrived where we are today in history, I focus only on the pages that detail the meeting between Meyer Rothschild & 12 of the ruling elite of that time, where they discuss the 25 point plan to capture all of humanity and the world's resources.

As I go through each of these points it is self-evident how much of the plan has come to fruition and that we are living right now, today. Call it coincidence, call it conspiracy, call it whatever you like, but it's a cold slap in the face once you see it.

This meeting supposedly took place in 1773, 250 years ago and I've discussed repeatedly how we are not fighting a recent power phenomenon. No, we're fighting a force of wealth and power whose current iteration has been in place for 250 years, and it appears we are very near the culmination of this plan.

That's right, the coming wars, bio-weapons attacks, famine, depopulation, etc., will all pave the way for The Great Reset that will give them the ultimate control over humanity they've been lusting over for literally centuries.

Episode 5 - 1984 Page 336-337, Everything You Need to Know About What They're Doing to Humanity


In this episode I'm going over page 336-337 in Orwell's 1984. These 2 pages tell us everything we need to know about what they are doing and what they plan to do.

I provide examples of how Orwell's vision is playing out right in front of us today.

Episode 4 - Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars - Part II


In this Episode I pick up where I left off on Episode 3, providing more details and insight into the plans and operational aspects of the silent weapons system that surrounds us.

Episode 3 - Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars - Part I


In this episode I go through some of the text of SWFQW and discuss how it relates to what we are going through today. This text is profoundly insightful if you want to better understand the methodology and operating systems being deployed to control and eventually subjugate humanity.

It's a must read for all.

Episode 2 - Great Age of Satan and the Age of Aquarius


In this episode I discuss the book Black Jack - The Dawning of the Great Age of Satan, and the song The Age of Aquarius and how it might have been a marker laid down in the 70's as we entered the transition phase between the current age of Pisces and the coming age of Aquarius.

I build on the last episode ideas and examples of the use of numbers and symbolism in our every day lives and how they are used for ceremony and ritual that humanity unwittingly participates in every day.


Dedicated to Exposing the Lies, Hypocrisy & Absurdity of the Radical Democrats & Criminal Globalists Agenda.