A friend of mine, Dr. David Goetsch, just informed me today that that Barnes and Noble is carrying his latest book for pre-orders to ship in September for $27, co-authored by Oliver North. You can go directly to the book using the following link: https://bn.com/w/1136889999. If you have trouble with this link you can go to the Barnes & Noble website and enter: "Veterans’ Lament: Is This the America our Heroes Fought For?" by Oliver L. North and David Goetsch. B&N is promoting the book early (Amazon and Books-a-Million will put it up some time in May). The publisher has decided to release the book on October 6th instead of in June to give the COVID-19 thing time to pass and the country to open back up as fully as possible so Ollie and I will be able to get out on the speaking circuit to promote the book. Meantime, help David and Oliver spread the word among your friends that the book is coming out in October. Barnes & Noble is offering a pretty good discount for people who pre-order it.

David and Ollie are also going to write a follow-up book titled, "Veterans’ Lament II: We didn’t Fight for Socialism". They are just now getting started on this one.

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