the unreasonableness of God
It doesn't take long in walking with God to discover that he is an unabashed contrariian. He defies conventional wisdom and confounds the learned. And yes, sometimes even we his children are totally perplexed at the unreasonableness of his methods.
In Jeremiah God tells us that " My ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts." Simply put, our God is much too big to be placed in the box of human understanding.
Jesus personified God's unconventionality in his ministry while on earth. It is completely unreasonable to think water could be changed to wine, that eyeballs could be created from mud, or even that a man could walk on water. Yet this is the God we serve and it should come at no suprise that God would call us to be as unconventional as he.
Is there an unconventional desire or dream in your heart? Chances are it was God who placed it there. And why shouldn't he? For God delights in fullfilling the impossible, improbable, and unlikely desires of those who will simply believe in an unreasonable God.

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