White House press secretary: 'Maybe we'll have answers in a few days
A "gotcha" question posed to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany by a reporter didn't go well – for the reporter, and other reporters, too.
A "gotcha" is when a reporter points out "you said this back then" and "then something happened," so "what do you say now."
Mostly they're intended to embarrass.
But McEnany turned it around on Wednesday. 5/6/2020

Explained TownHall.com, "A reporter asked McEnany about how she told the Fox Business Network on February 25, 'This president will always put America first. He will always protect American citizens. We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here, we will not see terrorism, and isn't that refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of Barack Obama?'"
Then COVID-19 turned into a global pandemic and she was named White House press secretary.
But she was ready, stating, "I guess I would turn the question back on the media and ask similar questions."
"Does Vox want to take back that they proclaimed that the coronavirus would not be a deadly pandemic? Does The Washington Post want to take back that they told Americans to get a grip, the flu is bigger than the coronavirus? Does The Washington Post likewise want to take back that our brains are causing us to exaggerate the threat of the coronavirus? Does The New York Times want to take back that fear of the virus may be spreading faster than the virus itself? Does the N.P.R. want to take back that the flu was a much threat bigger than that of the coronavirus? And finally, once again, The Washington Post, would they like to take back that the government should not respond aggressively to the coronavirus?"
She ended the press conference with, "I will leave you with those questions and maybe we'll have answers in a few days."
At a Gateway Pundit commentary was, "A pompous liberal reporter tried to play gotcha games with Kayleigh McEnany during a press briefing and ended up getting humiliated instead.
"The fake news media back in January criticized President Trump for implementing a travel restriction on incoming flights from China. Washington Post, New York Times, NPR and other left-wing advocacy groups posing as media outlets downplayed the Coronavirus in January, February and even March while President Trump was making bold moves to minimize the spread of the Wuhan virus."
But now the tune has been changed, the commentary said, and "The media is acting like President Trump didn’t do enough to stop the Wuhan virus from spreading in the U.S."
She also went to social media to set the record straight:

See for yourself what happened:

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