Anne Nichol compartilhou um post  
4 anos

4 anos

The difficulty of "Draining The Swamp"

When globalist Presidents, like FDR, Wilson, or Obama, serves 2 terms, they fill the government with like-minded Progressives at every level. Their hireling's loyalty tends to be for the President, instead of country, as they blindly following his policies.

This creates a problem for the next nationalist who takes office with the previous administrations' devotees still in place.

The size of our government is WAY TO BIG and thus difficult to control. President Trump, his talented cabinet, congressional conservatives, and AG Barr have thousands of anti-American operatives in government, which far out exceed the resources available to identify, investigate & prosecute those who have committed crimes.

The solutions, win back the US House, keep the Senate & re-elect President Trump. Close the Department Of Education, stop immigration and focus the efforts of the government to clean house and pass Constitutional amendments requiring a balanced budget and congressional term limits.

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