Fascism: ‘Rule by experts: this is it. How do you like it?

Fauci and Co. have taken control of the lives of individual Americans to an extent that surpasses anything achieved by fascism’s great original, Benito Mussolini. Of course, there is a difference. Mussolini was a pompous orator who favored a military uniform. Fauci speaks softly and wears the mantle of science. But just as Mussolini’s oratory led Italy to disaster, Fauci’s pronouncements have already done enormous damage to America. The full extent of the damage to America by Fauciism is yet to be determined.

Though it pains me to say so, it is up to you to determine how much damage to America he is going to be allowed to do.’


Fauci-ism: Dream or Nightmare? - American Greatness

Fauci-ism: Dream or Nightmare? - American Greatness

he takeover of America’s state, local, and federal governments by Fauci and his team is a dream come true for the progressives. Since at least the time of Woodrow Wilson, the progressives have dreamed of and campaigned for an America ruled by experts
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