Lord, Jesus,
I repent for the sins of my people. Forgive us for not loving our neighbors as ourselves. Forgive us for idolatry, murders, adultery, thievery, lies, abortion, homosexuality, pedophilia, child abuse, domestic violence, etc. We have blood on our hands as a nation. Please renew our minds and help us to know the difference between righteousness and evil, right and wrong. Please bring the works of darkness into the light and expose the evil to every one. Let justice fall like rain! Please have mercy on our nation. Let us not take vengeance out of your hands and take it upon ourselves. Please help President Trump to lead us rightly and in a godly way. Give him godly counselors and close his ears to ungodly counsel. Root out anything that is not of you in our government, our homes, our churches, and businesses. Teach us to live righteously and love one another as you have loved us. Lord God, we need you desperately! Invade our hearts with your wisdom and power and grace! I plead Your precious and holy blood over the inhabitants of this nation. Please forgive us of all our unrighteousness. In the powerful and mighty name of Jesus! Amen.

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