Two thousand years ago there was nothing more reviled, feared, and hated than the Roman cross. Outside the gates of every city under Roman domination stood this instrument of horror and terror. As a common practice, the Romans would crucify those they deemed a threat to their authority, and leave their rotting and decaying bodies for days, as a deterent to any who would consider rebellion. For those who suffered under the opression of Rome, the cross was hated and despised.
But in one glorious weekend, God turned the tool of Roman opression and fear, into the instrument through which all of creation would be redeemed. Through the work of Christ’s cross we have been delivered from the opression of darkness, and delivered into the kingdom of God. And now today, there is no more beloved and iconic symbol of God’s love for man than the Roman cross. HOW GREAT IS THIS GOD WE SERVE?
Happy Easter Everyone

AWeber Smart Designer