The latest argument in my house is “will we ever go to church again?”
I am now in the “Never” camp, on that one.
I grew up being taught about Martyrs, and how they were the Heroes of the Church.
I have been to “St. Peter’s In Chains” church, in Rome, and seen the chains that he supposedly wore. Maybe they’re the ones, maybe not, but he definitely wore chains for his faith. Paul died in jail.
I’ve been to the Colosseum, where there actually weren’t that many “Christians vs. Lions” things, but there were plenty of those elsewhere. And the city is filled with many “secret churches” where the early Church met in defiance of laws that would have, absolutely, had them killed.
Now? Now virtually every church huddles like cowards, meeting via video, denying funerals and other such Christian Burial Rites. Ignoring the command to Communion. And, of course, ignoring the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Those who claim the Martyrs as their predecessors won’t even fight for their rights?
I will always be a Christian, but I will never join – and if I have my way, attend – a mainstreamchurch again.
What a despicable group of cowards. I am ashamed to be associated with them. I know of a couple of splinter groups who kept meeting. Maybe that’s the future…

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