G Stinson changed his profile cover
4 yrs

We live as if the Kingdom does not exist and as if it is powerless on earth! Yet, the truth is that our paradigms are the ones that are powerless!

This is a strange thing, because we have grown up believing in models that we have been led to believe are the way, the truth and the power.

So, from this place of believing in our ways, it is hard to understand that there is something far better, far greater, far more beautiful, and far more powerful.

After all, how can we know about something, when we have never been introduced to it?

Well, now is the time to know the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and that it is in you. (Matthew 6:9-1.

- This is just the beginning...
- The Kingdom can be in your business.
- The Kingdom can be in your relationships.
- The Kingdom can be in your impact, your mission, your value, and your worth.

The Kingdom can be in you.

Welcome to The Empowered Kingdom

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