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5 yrs

What Is The Price On Your Soul?
You might be saying, what kind of a question is that? It seems as if today all we think of is more and more. More cars, more things, newer house, more money. I remember several years ago a man made his first trip here from Africa, his comment was, you Americans have everything and still you are unhappy. There is an important lesson here, but we have not learned it and we refuse to consider it, Things cannot buy happiness. In this age of more, where does it stop? Have you noticed Bill Gates is still working? Have you noticed Walmart is still building stores. It is hard to fathom the amount of money they take in. Do you seriously think they are any happier than you?
When Rena and I were in Costa Rica, we were in a small rural village and we watched as a teenage girl walked down a dirt street holding the hand of a younger girl and they were singing as they went. We were so struck by it because they did not have electronic games, fancy toys, pretty bikes, or all the things children have. They were barefoot on a dirt street, happy and singing as they went along. I thought, when was the last time you heard kids singing as they walked down a street in the USA? I cannot remember. When I was a child, many people whistled, you do not hear anyone whistling any more. Singing, humming, and whistling are all signs of contentment, does that mean we are not a content people? I don’t know! Something to think about.
Things, are what is keeping many people from coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Matthew 16:26 says “ For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” No matter how much you have or how much you gain before you die, it’s not going with you. If you spend all your life gaining things and do not find time for the Lord, that is what you have just gave in exchange for your salvation. In Luke 12, we find a rich man who did not have room to store anymore and he said, “what shall I do?” Verse 18 he said this “I will do this, I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.” Verse 20 “ But God said to him, You fool! this night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?” You see he was so busy laying up things and making money, he did not have time for God, and he was to greedy to give anything to the poor. Verse 21 “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” God has nothing against you having things, but they should not have you. What is keeping you from God? What price do you have on your soul?
“How hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter to the kingdom of God.” He did not say it was impossible. He did not say you could not have riches. He was saying trust in Me and not your riches. Are you so busy collecting things and making money and you haven’t time for God. Maybe you once new God, but now you don’t have time for Him because you have put a price on your soul. I have a suggestion. Won’t you just take a minute and stop, look, and listen to the Lord? He will speak to you in that still small voice deep down inside. He will give you, direction. It is all right to have things, but don’t make them your god.
Be Blessed and Smile God Loves You. You are welcome to email me your thoughts, comments, or send me emails of someone who would like to receive these devotions. Pastor Duane, Labor Of Love Church lolminis@frontier.com

5 yrs

What Is The Price On Your Soul?
You might be saying, what kind of a question is that? It seems as if today all we think of is more and more. More cars, more things, newer house, more money. I remember several years ago a man made his first trip here from Africa, his comment was, you Americans have everything and still you are unhappy. There is an important lesson here, but we have not learned it and we refuse to consider it, Things cannot buy happiness. In this age of more, where does it stop? Have you noticed Bill Gates is still working? Have you noticed Walmart is still building stores. It is hard to fathom the amount of money they take in. Do you seriously think they are any happier than you?
When Rena and I were in Costa Rica, we were in a small rural village and we watched as a teenage girl walked down a dirt street holding the hand of a younger girl and they were singing as they went. We were so struck by it because they did not have electronic games, fancy toys, pretty bikes, or all the things children have. They were barefoot on a dirt street, happy and singing as they went along. I thought, when was the last time you heard kids singing as they walked down a street in the USA? I cannot remember. When I was a child, many people whistled, you do not hear anyone whistling any more. Singing, humming, and whistling are all signs of contentment, does that mean we are not a content people? I don’t know! Something to think about.
Things, are what is keeping many people from coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Matthew 16:26 says “ For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” No matter how much you have or how much you gain before you die, it’s not going with you. If you spend all your life gaining things and do not find time for the Lord, that is what you have just gave in exchange for your salvation. In Luke 12, we find a rich man who did not have room to store anymore and he said, “what shall I do?” Verse 18 he said this “I will do this, I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.” Verse 20 “ But God said to him, You fool! this night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?” You see he was so busy laying up things and making money, he did not have time for God, and he was to greedy to give anything to the poor. Verse 21 “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” God has nothing against you having things, but they should not have you. What is keeping you from God? What price do you have on your soul?
“How hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter to the kingdom of God.” He did not say it was impossible. He did not say you could not have riches. He was saying trust in Me and not your riches. Are you so busy collecting things and making money and you haven’t time for God. Maybe you once new God, but now you don’t have time for Him because you have put a price on your soul. I have a suggestion. Won’t you just take a minute and stop, look, and listen to the Lord? He will speak to you in that still small voice deep down inside. He will give you, direction. It is all right to have things, but don’t make them your god.
Be Blessed and Smile God Loves You. You are welcome to email me your thoughts, comments, or send me emails of someone who would like to receive these devotions. Pastor Duane, Labor Of Love Church lolminis@frontier.com

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