Interesting, here is the scoop on what "may" happen if the Dems will the presidency, house and senate:
America's only means of self-protection, our guns will be gone. Kamala Willie Brown Harris has said she will have your guns by the 100th day of the new communist regime. And what does history say about what follows gun confiscation. That's ok, don't worry about securing a burial plot, FEMA coffins can accomodate 6 at a time. If you are a Christian, I am certain that they will have a family plan discount.
Confiscation of privately owned vehicles. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Extreme climate change taxes placed upon the people. These taxes will be embedded into existing and future homes and when the homeowner cannot afford the taxes, they will forfeit their property. This will create the nation's largest slush fund in which the Democrats will fund single payer health care and free health care for all illegals. And this is the for the people that they let live!
We will see the reintroduction of preferential hiring for minorities in new affirmative action plans. The woke objective is not to promote fairness in hiring but inflicting as much pain as possible in society in order to bring a real civil war to frution, so that the resisters can be identified and eliminated. This time around, the country will pay homage to illegal aliens as they will go to the front of the line. It is about to get very expensive to be a citizen.
Free health care for illegal aliens unaffordable Obama style health care for citizens.
Free speech prohibitions and there will be no criticism of the government allowed. Violators will be imprisoned. Florida Rep Wilson is already calling the arrest of online Congressional critics.
Google will implement its Chinese-based social credit system and people will be denied freedom on the net. And just like in China, people will be prosecuted for their online expressions of freedom and liberty.
Extreme limitations will be placed upon Christians and where they can practice their faith and what the pastors are allowed to say. Many believe CHICOM justice will come to America and being a Christian will be a fatal event.
A planned economic collapse will be implemented in order to gain total control over the economy.
Holding precious metals will be outlawed as it was under Franklin Roosevelt.
Employment will be tied to a loyalty oath to the existing regime, who we know serves Satan.
The new carbon credit system will lower the average American's lifestyle to those living in 1890. Refer to The Hunger Games movie for a visual depiction.
After free speech is squelched, gun confiscation will begin. A false flag, or a series of false flag events will occur prior to gun confiscation in order to give it legitimacy. Those that resist will be sent to re-education camps, or will simply be killed resisting the confiscation.
Public education will continue down the same path and will consist of little more than lifestyle perversion education coupled with the full emergence of the modern day version of the Hitler Youth who will be trained to tattle on their parents.

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