This is Reagan Escudè thoughts and video on the Gospel and Black Lives Matter - I agree with Reagan: I am deeply grieved over the status of our nation right now, and I am more disheartened by the reaction of our churches, church leaders, and Evangelicals who are failing to preach the Gospel and conforming to the patterns of this world.
The gate is narrow—more narrow than I thought.
In this video, I discuss why the BLM movement isn’t Biblical, why Christians should rise above it, and how we can share the Gospel during this time.
Stop prescribing worldly solutions to spiritual problems. Stop promoting Marxist ideals in the name of compassion. Stop seeking justice where justice cannot be found. Stop looking to the world for advice on what it means to love, have mercy, and seek justice. But instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind through the power of the Holy Spirit, and seek TRUE justice, love mercy, and walk humbly.
You are not virtuous because you support a movement. You are not glorifying God when you apologize for your whiteness.
God is sovereign. And His Word is sufficient. Stop adding things to it.
I know this video is controversial, but my prayer is that you watch with an open mind and an open heart and that the Holy Spirit moves you to repentance.
“Our hearts are deceiving, and desperately sick. Who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9
“So that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.” Ephesians 4:14

Click URL below for Video:

- The Bible
- @podcast_just “George Floyd & the Gospel” & “Racial Reconcilition” by @darrellbharrison @virgillwalker
- “Quest for Cosmic Justice” by Thomas Sowell (YouTube videos too)
- “Blacks Don’t Empower Blacks” Jason Riley at @prageru - “Conservatives, Black Lives Matter, Racism” YouTube video @rubinreport and @larryeldershow
- “Please Stop Helping Us” Jason Riley
- Relatable Podcast with @alliebstuckey “Does the Truth Matter?”
- The @charliekirk1776 Show “Ben Carson | On Race, White Privilege, & How Black America Can Rise Up”
- Hey America Podcast “George Floyd, Riots & the Church” with @ellisaallen & @thebereanmillennial

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