Time and again we have found in Pennsylvania and throughout the world that as individuals the mandates and restrictions put on us HAVE NOT protected religious freedom or respected the sacred freedom of conscience. Those of us that can see know that these restrictions WILL get worse one way or another until we WILL NOT HAVE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM NOR WILL WE BE ABLE TO CHOSE FOR OURSELVES!
Those mandates, restrictions and laws that are in line with faith should be followed and adhered to ALL others SHOULD NOT! Washing hands- do it. Stay home if sick-do it. Stay away from those in nursing homes-GO HUG YOUR FAMILY/LOVED ONE. There isn't anything you should be asked to do that keeps you from others. You want to shake a hand , shake a hand. You want to be closer than 6' be closer, you don't want to wear a mask, don't! This lack of human contact, this lack of human interaction, this lack of being with family is all satanic. God WOULD NOT keep you from lifting your brother/sister especially at this time when so many are uncertain, He would NOT keep you from family, think about that.
These government officials are mere men/women who enact such laws in their own judgments which may or may not be best calculated to secure the public interest. It is up to us to be able to discern when laws, mandates, restrictions are self serving and when they are for the good of the people (as they should be and in this instance are NOT).
We should be reaching out to and checking in with each other, making sure that temporally, physically as well as spiritually all are well or lift if we are not.
There are times that being a good citizen, even a good global citizen means that we respectfully speak up, speak out, push back, in order to assert that reasonable accommodations be extended to all people of faith as we strive to participate in rites that are foundational to our faith.
Even Daniel threw open his window and prayed out loud three times a day against the decree set forth in his time.
#freedom #constitution #speakup

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