Looking at the crop of presidential contenders ... I can’t help but ask the question ...
is this the really the best this nation can come up with?

It seems that our presidential elections have become a joke ... a TV show contest of who can present themselves in the most ridiculous way, raise the most money, and promise to remove the nation as far as possible from its original concept of individual liberty, natural rights, and free enterprise.

While myself an immigrant, I do not understand the fascination with open borders, and the watering down of our traditional values that for over two centuries have been the beacon hope and freedom for the rest of the world.

Reality and truth are abandoned for ratings, likes, and brainless followers .... political systems that once were rejected as anti-American are embraced as if history has not proven their dangers and failures many times over.

Brave Americans came to my country of birth (Germany) to rid it from evil, just to witness from their graves the resurrection of a socialist, omnipotent government that wants to control every aspect of our lives, tell us who is worth living, how much money we deserve, what we are allowed to own, what we are allowed to learn, do, eat, drink, drive, read, watch, say, write, etc. .... but this time the rules are written in English and not in German.

Is this the best America can do to honor the men who once pledged to each other their Lives, their Fortunes, and their sacred Honor?

#MAGA #AmericaFirst