Seems the medical community is turning against draconian coronavirus measures. In effect, they're saying lockdowns, masks, etc... are all actually weakening immunity to covid and other diseases which will make future infections harder to fight off. 

SCAMDEMIC: "No Medical Justification For Emergency Measures" - Open Letter From Hundreds Of Doctors and Healthcare Professionals Urges End To Covid Lockdowns; Preventative Measures Actually Weakening Human Immunity; Covid Mortality No Worse than Seasonal Flu

Please read and share!

"No Medical Justification For Emergency Measures" - Open Letter From 100s Of Doctors, Health Pros Urges End To Lockdowns | Zero Hedge

"No Medical Justification For Emergency Measures" - Open Letter From 100s Of Doctors, Health Pros Urges End To Lockdowns | Zero Hedge

We deplore the role of the WHO in this, which has called for all divergent opinion to be silenced... We urgently call on the media to take their responsibilities here! We demand an open debate in which all experts are heard...
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